Easy ways to kick your sugar cravings to the curb for good!

Addicted to Sugar

As study in 2013 from Connecticut College, confirmed that sugar is as addicting as heroin and cocaine. It highlights the same parts for the brain. No wonder sugar is so addicting. Sugar is a “feel good” food, and shortly after you eat it, you are hungry for more. You will feel good while eating it and right after you may feel content, but you will soon crave more sugar. So, then you grab another sugary snack and the process starts all over again. There are ways to prevent this vicious cycle from occurring.

Avoid processed foods:

Thousands of food additives are added to US foods. Some of the worst are high-fructose corn syrup, artificial flavors, synthetic trans fats, artificial colors, artificial sweeteners and preservatives.

Many of the food additives that are perfectly legal to use in US foods are banned in other countries due to health concerns. Crazy, right?

There are many chemicals that are used to make food flavorful, preserve, sweeten and color food that may be linked to cancer, behavioral problems, reproductive damage, brain fog, insomnia, and many other conditions.

There are ways to sweeten food naturally, for instance Stevia, which does not raise your blood sugar.

Drink Plenty of Water:

Dehydration can cause you to crave foods when you are not even hungry, especially sugar. Not a fan of water? Try adding fresh berries, citrus, mint, or cucumber. Chia seeds are a great addition too. They have no flavor, but it is a great way to get your Omega-3s.

Serotonin Boosters:

Serotonin is the happy hormone. You can raise it by exercise, healthy diet, and a good sleeping schedule. When you have a good serotonin level, you are less likely to crave sweets.

Fermented Foods:

Eating fermented foods is a great way to reduce sugar cravings and regulate your appetite. They also give you a stronger immune system There are many different fermented foods to eat. Check out some of the top fermented foods.

Greens & Sea Vegetables:

Greens are loaded with nutrition and keep you from craving sugar and processed foods. Sometimes when we are hungry and we eat processed foods, you will still feel hungry shortly after because your body is really asking for nutrition, but it is not getting any. (Your body knows what it wants and needs. Learn to listen to your body)

Sea Veggies are rich in minerals and vitamins. Make sure you give your body the nutrients it wants, so your body processes work properly.

You will not know how bad you felt, until you feel so good. Once you eat healthy and cut out sugar and processed foods for a few weeks, you will stop craving the bad stuff. You just may surprise your self on how simple it is.

Lynn’s Corner


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