Category Archives: Wellness

Make Healthy Choices for Your Future with This Trick & Neuro-Habit!

Winning the Inside Battle

Winning the Inside Battle of Wellness Wednesday! Today’s message is a life changer. I have dozens of healthy tricks that we all can use to trick our brain. We can actually trick our brain for when we are craving breads, sweets, sugars and even stop bad habits. It is not about discipline or white knuckling […]

How a Marshmallow Can Change Your Whole Life!

Tricking yourself to better lifestyle

In this addition of Winning the Inside Battle Wednesdays, I’m going to tell you about how a study about marshmallows can change your life. If you are wanting to improve your ability to achieve your goals, you are not alone and this simple trick can strengthen your self-control. Speaking of self-control, are you always trying […]