Category Archives: Blog
Real EstateI care about your wealth; it means other people’s health.People ask my general questions about real estate almost every day. Yet, it’s far from a general question. As an example:-Real estate investing is extremely dependent on location. I often have to travel around my state or even work with partners in other states to […]
EXPERIENCING TRUE FREE-DOM When I was young I was dying to get through school When I was through with school I was dying to find a great job When I found a great job I was dying to get married When I was married I was dying to have children When I had children I […]
Success and Survival: The Need For Urgency The original Dow Jones Industrial comprised 12 companies, including American Cotton Oil; American Sugar; American Tobaccos; Chicago Gas; Distilling & Cattle Feeding; General Electric (GE); North American; Tennessee Coal Iron and RR; U.S. Leather; and United States Rubber. Other than GE, all the original companies selected as top […]
HOW ANYONE CAN GET RICH: The Rule of $50s At some point, few people want to keep working as hard as they do right now. Whether it is to cut back, change careers, or actually retire; we all hope to have accumulated enough wealth at some point to have choices. Yet, the financial outlook after […]
Establishing a referral-based culture Below is a very effective letter I hand and send out to my patients each year. The most vital process I take all of my clients through is culture change. Establishing a culture of accountability, giving, referring, and engaging in the mission is vital in most any business. In this letter, we discuss what […]