Tips For Becoming A Better Speaker & Communicator


Most of the people reading these letters have a passion for educating others.  I break down educating into two areas:

  1. Communicating
  2. Speaking

As a psychologist, doctor, author of 20 books, a consultant for what has been over 5000 clients, and having gone through many trainings and certifications in coaching and leadership, I have learned quite a bit as to what separates a pile of words from an inspirational, motivational, and effective conversation.

I could teach a multi-year course in communicating and speaking, but here are some initial tips to help you right away.

Communicating: To truly influence individuals and audiences, we have to understand who they are and what moves them.  There are certain generalities based on what is locked into the DNA of all human beings, but more importantly, there are unique traits we have to master in order to really inspire the specific groups of people that exist.

I could teach a multi-year course in this, but here are some initial tips to help you right away.

GENERAL COMMUNICATION TIP:  Research on 1,737 fictional stories discovered that the Cinderella, rags to riches tale is most effective at moving people.  Therefore, your personal testimony and the testimonies of those that you have helped, when presented from this perspective, will communicate very effectively.

SPECIFIC COMMUNICATION TIP: There are many specific traits to be aware of when addressing groups and individuals.  One of these traits is considering the different learning types.  In general, the 4 learning types are:

  1. Learn by action
  2. Learn by facts
  3. Learn by principles and philosophies
  4. Learn through processing (I need to go home and think about it or discuss with my wife, MD, and Mother-in-law)

SPEAKING TIP: Speaking is only 7% content.  Where this becomes a killer for many talks is that we believe if we get good information out, we should get a result.  Science shows, however, that this could not be further from the truth. Nonverbal communication (Posture, physiology, body language, facial expression, eye contact, appearance) makes up 55 percent of the impact of any conversation, with tone (Intensity, passion, and volume) making up 38%.

A key to being a good speaker is knowing your “script” so you can focus on the 93% that matters.

So much more – but just these tips can change your life and save many others.

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