The New Biology

Old Medical Traditions Die Hard

 Old medical traditions die hard. Studies have shown that it takes an average of 7 years for new science to make its way into medical standards. The radically dis-proven, totally outdated, yet still current medical model of health works off of the Darwinian, Newtonian belief that; we’re machines, programmed by genetics for either good or bad physical or emotional health. This idea of “pre-determinism” tells us we’re simply fated towards success or failure, creates a spirit of hopelessness in many, but most importantly it is totally untrue.

It has been well established now that only 2% of our DNA is the genome and the 98% is the epigenome. This 98% turns the 2% on or off (Or more than likely dials it down or up) in response to our environment. This reality was brought to life for me over a decade ago by a co-author of mine, Dr. Bruce Lipton. Dr. Lipton, a former medical school professor and research scientist in his book, “The Biology of Belief” points out to us that this genetic determinism and fatalism make up part and parcel of the current medical model and are “Central Dogma” of science and medicine today. According to these theories, if you’re born with defective genes, hello unhappy life sooner or later you’ll become a victim of depression, obesity, illness and the express lane to an early grave.

As a result of this way of thinking, all research and traditional medicine ever tries to accomplish is to try and come up with the next drug treatment that can manipulate gene defects and revise blood tests. While there are newer, stronger drugs that can alter function to a greater degree, none will ever make us in fact, healthy. And these strong drugs are apparently hazardous to our health.

Today, science knows that we’re aren’t just machines fated for peace and health or misery and disease. Dr. Lipton states, ”Genes can’t turn themselves on and off. Something that effects your (internal) environment has to trigger them.” We create this environment by our lifestyle, the function of our spine, and our exposures – not simply by who our great-great grandparents were.

The truth we now understand proves Darwin’s evolution and Newton’s mechanistic theories to be heavily flawed. Fortunately, the belief that you’re a frail biochemical robot controlled by genes and predestined to either fail or succeed has given way to an understanding that you are vital and powerful beyond what we can ever fully fathom. Genetics are a tendency, not a death sentence. Genes for heart disease, breast cancer, mental, emotional disorders, etc. are like the trigger on a gun, they’re only dangerous if you pull them. As it turns out, you are a remarkable, dynamic being capable of programming or reprogramming yourself to be a healthy, creative, purpose-filled, and/or joyful person.

Scientists now realize that there’s an intelligent design to life as well as acknowledging that there’s a “designer.” This “New Biology,” doesn’t seek to humanize the miracle of cell life but recognizes that God is part of the equation. Determinism doesn’t look at the spiritual part of our makeup; it denies it’s even there. God’s magical, creative, healing power exists within your cells and with any cooperation on your part, balance can be restored, and you can begin to experience all that He had designed you to be.

When it comes to cellular success, it’s nurture and not nature that makes the biggest difference. The vast majority of diseases we face aren’t due to your poor DNA. Dr. Lipton shares that, “Single gene disorders affect less than two percent of the population!”  That means that 98% of the time we possess the ability to live with outrageous health and incredible happiness!

These new discoveries show us that there is an on-going creative power in our life, and we are not “fated” at birth to feel a certain way, act a certain way, behave a certain way, and die a certain way at a certain time. NO! At this point we know that we have something to say about that. The diseases, depression, aches, and pain we face today are not as a result of dysfunctional grandparents, but because we’ve lived and thought in such a way that interfered with the harmony in our bodies. THESE INTERFERENCES CAN BE REMOVED!

“It’s the environment not the DNA,” says Dr. Lipton. “When I provide a healthy environment for my cells (under the microscope), they thrived; when the environment was less than optimal, the cells faltered.  (Most importantly) When I adjusted the environment, these “sick” cells revitalized.”


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