In his book, Man’s Search For Meaning, Victor Frankl, a Holocaust victim, realized that when all is stripped away, you’re still left with one thing, Your freedom to choose your attitude.
That is a great version of life’s meaning – I choose to make it meaningful….or I don’t.
Viktor Frankl, the Holocaust survivor and author of the perennial best-selling book Man’s Search for Meaning, found that we have to be living the story of our dreams or we’ll instead create the pain and fragmentation that Jung warned us of. Your plan then, moving forward, is to stop resisting your biological cravings and shift your energy to a brain that is working for you, not against you, and establish an improved way of thinking. The results will be better than just another desperate attempt at resisting pasta! They will be about manifesting a new you.
Dr. Frankl found that, as humans, we require the freedom “to will.” He described freedom as the ability to shape your life. He found that we need not only to be free, but also free to be and do something, or what he called the “will to meaning.” We need to be able to achieve our desired goals and purposes and find meaning in our lives. His work, called Logotherapy, acknowledges that life is not some illusion that arises from a bunch of neurons and chemicals colliding together; rather, it’s something with value that’s worth experiencing to its fullest extent. If freedom of will, will to meaning, or life itself is limited, then we become stressed, depressed, or even hopeless and lost.
The good news is, as your brain and your thoughts proceed in a better direction, your story can change.
What we know in chiropractic; There’s a God-given Power in your body continually controlling and maintaining it’s existence.
THEREFORE, the meaning of life is allowing this power to express itself at it’s
maximum potential.
This may sound strange or not so profound, but think about it:
For what problem does reaching your potential not answer?
Depressed –reach your potential.
In pain – reach your potential.
Wanting to succeed – reach for your potential
Failed in business or life – restore your potential.
When you’re expressing life at it’s greatest potential, you have your best chance to be healthy, wealthy, and wise.
- Negative thinking
- Negative stress: Forgetting God’s in control of all circumstance and outcomes
- Toxicity: Medications and junk food
- THE MOST DIRECT CAUSE OF INTERFERENCE: Subluxation: interference to your spine and nervous system
Stop treating symptoms! Symptoms of disease, failure, depression. Instead, CHOOSE wellness and prosperity by removing all interference to the Power. That is the meaning of life.
*Adapted from 33 Principles, Stephenson