Slow Down! It takes 20 Minutes for Your Brain to Catch up.

This very simple tip can keep your pants fitting better. – EAT SLOW. It takes 20 minutes for your brain to register you are full from when you start eating.

Many of us live busy lifestyles and most days are fast paced. We are constantly checking our phones, meeting work deadlines, fighting traffic and running around to make all the appointments.

In the mist of our hectic days, we stuff food down our throats because we know our bodies need food. Even on slower days we tend to still eat quickly because we are in a habit to do everything fast paced and our minds are moving a mile a minute. Eating fast can set us up for over eating and it can lead to weight gain.

Think about a time you got up for seconds. Two bites into that second plate, you may of thought, “what was I thinking, I cannot eat this. I am too full!” Seconds sounded good 8 minutes ago, but now that you are hitting that 20 minute mark, your brain is now registering you are full.

Here are a few tips to help you slow down your eating habits. You may need to think about doing these tips at first, but if you practice doing them every time you eat they will become habitual.

Being Mindful When was the last time you really tasted your food, enjoyed it and appreciated the food you are eating? Take time to taste the food you are eating and be thankful for it. Use more of your senses – take time to smell the food, taste the food, and feel the different textures.

Breath Remember to breath while you are eating. Oxygen is crucial for digestion. Try putting your fork down at least three times while eating to take a few breaths.

Chew Well Chew your food well. Do you know how many times you chew your food before you swallow? The average is a round 3 to 4 chews and then swallow. The recommended amount is 30 chews. That is a huge difference!

Water Drink  a full glass of water during your meal. Drinking water will help you slow down and helps you feel more full, which prevents you from over eating.

No Multitasking Do not multitask while you are eating. Checking emails, reading Facebook post, can distract you from taking your time to eat slow and chew your food. Even worse, eating at your desk at work and eating under stressful situations can affect the digestive system and cause inflammation and make you more susceptible to infection.

Remember to slow down and chew your food. Applying these simple tricks to your daily routine could make a huge impact and benefit your health.

Lynn’s Corner

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