When I was young I was dying to get through school
When I was through with school I was dying to find a great job
When I found a great job I was dying to get married
When I was married I was dying to have children
When I had children I was dying to have them grow up so I could retire
Now I am dying and realized that I forgot to live!
In America we say we are free, yet the majority of people walking the street live behind bars as someone in prison.
A body not in shackles does not mean freedom. The earth can be its own prison. However, God has set bail and He has set it cheap. For the low, low, low God discount of free. That must be why they call it free-dom.
When you are going to school, you can not wait to graduate and get a real job. When you get a real job, you can not wait until you grow and make more money. When you make more money, you cannot wait until you make more. Then you cannot wait to do something different. You cannot wait until the weekend and you end up wasting 5 out of every 7 days. After the weekends do not seem long enough, you cannot wait until the holidays. After the holidays do not seem long enough, you can not wait to take a vacation. At this point some people even consider quitting.
Another common scenario: After a few years of being single, you cannot wait to get married. After you get married, you cannot wait to have a child. Then another. Then you cannot wait for them to talk. Then you cannot wait for them to shut up. Then you
cannot wait for them to go to school. Then when they are teenagers you cannot wait for them to get out of that stage. Then you cannot wait for them to get out of the house so you can have some freedom back.
Even more, you will have no more stress once that bill is finally paid off, the air conditioner is fixed, your cold is better, the house is painted, and baseball season and dance lessons are finally over.
Life will be good once your partner gets their act together, when you drop 10 pounds, when you make more money, can afford a nicer house, when you can get a new car, when you can go on a great vacation, when you can finally retire.
Coughlin’s Law states, “Over there always looks better than over here.” Another says, “Wherever you go, there you are.”
Your life will always be full of challenges and frustrations. The reality is, they are your life. Enjoy them or suffer eternally. Some people resist the roller coaster, and some love the ride. Until you stop resisting the ups and downs of life you can never be truly happy.
The real tragedy of life is not that it will one day end, but that some never actually live.
Life does not begin after the problems are through. You are never truly through with problems until you are six feet under.
Play life all out NOW.
Do EVERYTHING you can to be healthy and vital.
Be happy over here and stop looking over there.
Work like you don’t need money.
Read like you don’t need wisdom.
Love like you’ve never been hurt.
Act like you don’t care what other people think.