How Food Makes You Gain the Unwanted Pounds – The Hormone Effect

The Hormone Effect

Hormones regulate virtually every aspect of your body’s metabolic pathways and do it in very diverse ways. Hormones determine whether you’re the kind of person who can eat cookies and pizza every day and stay skinny or if you just simply walk by a bakery and put on 25 pounds.

The goal of any solid weight loss plan has to address your glands. That’s why we call our plans “diets based on hormones” or “Hormonally based eating.” This is important to not just lose or maintain your weight, but to up the lean muscle, decrease the body fat, push towards a healthier future.

Insulin (Hormones in a Nut-Shell): In the process of taking in sugar for energy, the hormone insulin is required for the cells to absorb it. At modest doses of slow-burning sugars, this mechanism will serve you just fine and for a long, long time. It’s excess energy that can wreak havoc on your systems.

While many people blame fats, it’s actually not fats that make you fat. Carbs, whether natural or not, are the actual culprits that lead to excess sugar in the blood and ultimately insulin resistance (because the body’s cells simply ignore insulin’s presence).

To make matters worse, this excess sugar gets stored as fat and cause other hormone issues to arise. Too much fat causes the brain to become resistant to other fat and appetite-balancing hormones. This whole carb-induced process creates inflammation, aging, and disease – not exactly a “health prosperous” combination.

In reality, gaining weight is a metabolic marker of too much carb energy and the growing inability of your body to manage all the sugar and the excess fat it creates. Since the intake of more sugar than your body can manage causes obesity and obesity-related diseases, like diabetes, high triglycerides, bad cholesterol, and advanced aging, it makes sense to say, “Carbs Kill.” Thus, a focus on good fats, high quality proteins, vegetables, and low sugar fruits make up the plans we provide for our patients.

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