Are you having trouble trying to put a stop to bad habits? Do you keep falling into the same old cycle…trying to quit something and then start back up again?
Like eating late night snacks because your brain just automatically thinks of it, but you’re not really hungry, right? Then you say, “I want it so bad, I have to have my bowl of ice cream and Oreos”. You keep thinking about it.
Or, are you a nail bitter? Do you always say, “this needs to stop, I can’t be doing this anymore, what is wrong with me; why can’t I stop”?
You are not alone – I have not met anyone that does not have at least a few habits that they can’t bust.
There is something so simple and works very well. Start changing the words “I can’t” to “I don’t”. This helps you get the chance to make a better choice and follow through. Do you think this is too easy to be to true? Guess what – It’s true.
So, what’s wrong with saying “I can’t”? Well, this makes you feel like an external source is telling you that you are not allowed to do something. Remember what happens when you were a little kid and your parents told you, “NO, do not do that!” What did you want to do right after? That little evil voice in you wanted to do it. Right?
When we say, “I don’t”, like “I don’t eat sugar”, you are the one at choice and empowered. When we say, “I can’t” it gives you the feeling it is coming from an external source like someone is trying to control you.
A study published in the Journal of Consumer Research tested the words people use when confronting temptations. During the experiment, one group was instructed to use the words “I can’t” while the other used “I don’t” when considering unhealthy food choices.
Both groups were unhealthy eaters on a regular basis.
When people finished the study, they were offered either a chocolate bar or granola bar to thank them for their time. Unknown to participants, the researchers were measuring whether they would take the relatively healthy or more unhealthier choice. A low percent of people who used the words “I can’t” chose the granola. A much higher percent of those that said the words “I don’t” picked granola over chocolate. Saying “I don’t” opposed to “I can’t” provides greater psychological empowerment.
So remember to keep your words in the positive. You will be surprised on how much it can help you achieve your goals.
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